
2014ホンダクラシック プレビュー動画とマキロイのインタビューについて


主に、Fedex Cupポイントレースの話ですね。


出典:Exclusive Q&A: McIlroy opens up



PGA Tour.com:正直に昨シーズンを評価すると、どんなシーズンだった?


PGA Tour.com:2013年で一番悪かった点は?


PGA Tour.com:それらの苦しい時期の中で学んだ、一番大きなことはなに?



PGA Tour.com:道具を替えるときには、調整の期間が必要だと思うんだけど、どのクラブが一番調整に時間がかかった?それはどれぐらいの期間だった?



PGA Tour.com:世界でNo.1になって、メジャーに2勝して、100万ドルの契約にもサインした -- あのとき、こういうレベルのスターダムに、こんなにも早く到達するための準備がちゃんとできていたかな?ちょっと早すぎたってことはない?


PGA Tour.com:それが不公平であろうがなかろうが、あなたは多くの場合、実際の年齢よりも成熟していると思われているよね。でも、ときどき僕らはあなたがまだ24歳だってことを忘れてるよね?





PGATOUR.COM: If you were being honest with yourself in grading your season last year, what would you give yourself and why?

RORY McILROY: Perhaps 7 out of 10. Many things of course could’ve been better but I think I’ve worked through most of the necessary changes with my clubs and my swing. And 2013 ended on a much more positive note.

PGATOUR.COM: What was your lowest point of 2013?

McILROY: Probably The Honda back (last) February. I made a mistake walking off the course and disappointed not just myself. Golf can be a frustrating game and emotionally tough. What’s important, though, is that I’ve learned from that episode. I need to stay patient and play my way through the difficult patches.

PGATOUR.COM: The single-biggest thing you learned from those struggles was … ?

McILROY: The ability to pick myself up after disappointment. I had to mature, and I did. And through the lean times it was important to remind myself that it was my love of golf that secured my position as No. 1 in the world. That passion for the game is something I’m really enjoying again.


PGATOUR.COM: There’s usually an adjustment period when a player switches equipment. What part of the bag was most difficult to get fine-tuned and comfortable with, and how long did it take?

McILROY: It would be fantastic to be 100 percent comfortable with all 14 clubs at the same time, but I know what you mean. Distance is such an important factor in my game, so my driver is something I really need to be comfortable with. My putter, too, of course -- feel is everything. It was worth taking the time to get it right, and working with a very talented Nike team really helped. I now have the best driver and ball combo I’ve ever used.


PGATOUR.COM: No. 1 in the world, winning two majors, signing a multimillion-dollar endorsement deal -- were you fully prepared for the level of stardom that you reached so quickly? Was it in any way too much too soon?

McILROY: It did come up on me rather quickly. But too soon? It wasn’t as if I could put the brakes on playing well or hold back the No. 1 spot until I considered what it would mean. That said, being in the spotlight does take a bit of getting used to. I’m still learning to manage the level of attention, to be honest, in all its guises.

PGATOUR.COM: You’re often credited for being mature beyond your years, not unfairly either. Do we sometimes forget however that you’re still just 24 years old?

McILROY: Of course I’m still learning, as a golfer and in my life outside the game. But to come this far in my career was not something that happened overnight. I suppose there has been lot of learning and some degree of preparation for this during my amateur days and early professional career. But it’s ongoing, naturally.

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